
NGI School provides bus transportation to and from school. Parents are in no way obligated to the use of the service and are more than welcome to use alternative services. For Registration and payment for the bus services, please visit the school service administration office.

Personal transportation

● NGI School requires a written approval form, which can be obtained from the Student Affairs Office, granting authorization to the person who will bring to and pick-up the student from the school campus. The relationship of this person to the student should be indicated.

● Two ID cards will be issued from school one to be kept with the student, the other to the above mentioned person.

● Any substitution of the above mentioned person needs to be reported in writing to NGI School. The appointed person will be mandated to present the ID to school security at the gate of NGI School everytime before the student is permitted to leave.

School Bus Transportation

● Parents will be provided with a schedule on bus routes according to districts.

● The student should wait for the bus 5 minutes before the scheduled time as buses will not wait more than 2 minutes during pick up.

● t is advisable that an adult accompanies young students while waiting for the bus.

● Students' ID cards (for lower grades only) should be pinned to their uniforms for distinction.

● Any change of any student's address must be reported to School Administration as soon as possible. Arrangements will be made to continue the bus service only if the new address is within the school bus routes.

Bus regulations

● All children must show respect, obey the bus matron and demonstrate the same expected behavior they would on school grounds.

● They should not make noise or talk to the driver while he is driving.

● They should stay seated an not open the windows, leave their seats or stand up when the bus is moving.

● They should keep the bus clean. They should not to scratch, write on, or spoil the bus seats.

Transportation Change Request

● A written note must be obtained from the parent asking to change the means of transportation for his or her child (From school bus to a private car). This note should be submitted and approved by the Administration no later than 11:30AM on the same day. A mere telephone call from the parent on this matter will notsuffice and not be accepted.